Wednesday 13 May 2015


It is very important step of interview that to ensure that, Are able to do teamwork .So the most repeated echoed word in the interview will be 'teamwork'. So preparing some questions for yourself and answer the same will almost help you in this. This questions mostly repeated in many interview , that ' Are able to work or discuss with any person who has a extremely different character to that of your ? ' . Also you'll also have to explain how you overcome those situations. This same question can be repeated in a different manner that'll be like- 'Do you had any incident of conflicting with those people, And how have solved that situation ?' . Sometimes they may give you any example situations or type of people. And ask you descition about the situation. They will not your performance according to your answers.

Also somewhat similar questions are like- ' Imagine that you are  going collect some information for a man , who is not ready to provide you it. So how will you manage the collection ? ' Here you should never say directly that I am intelligent or I can handle, I am brave . But you should cunningly manage to tell them indirectly . The panel should think you are so and so.


Once a candidate appeared for an interview. While entering the room the interview board gave him a shake hand. But the candidate was unable to complete it, because he was shivering. This proves the interview that the candidate it not well enough ,they may not even carry on further. It is because that self confidence and braveness is an important factor in today's jobs. Some companies even look your body language, your social media accounts. Which in case have posted any rubbish that may have noted it.

The degree itself will not get you to a good job. But talent is also an important factor. A talented and skilled professional are living in very demand-full market. Those once looks for job and start the habit taking leaves will no longer last today. All appearing for various courses to increase their talent and academics . Now online courses are very popular.

These top 10 lists are based on many-case studies based on the year 2015. 




Tuesday 12 May 2015


The online applications for plus one admissions allotment has started on MAY 12. The last date for receiving filled application form is on MAY 25. The first allotment results will be published on JUNE 10 . The classes will start at JULY 01. All students those who got allotted or waiting are able to know the rank details on the official website.
When CBSE publishes their 10th rank results they can join the allotment list. Those students wrote cbse board exam will allotted first. Students who wrote school wise exam will be allotted only further.


In Kerala the government has provides 3,61,130 seats for aided schools. One batch will get 50 seats.
The science stream will have nine combinations , humanities stream will have 32, commerce stream will have 4 combinations. Online applications forms can be submitted either by yourself or visiting the computer lab of higher secondary schools. No two applications are recieved for merit seats for single district. For getting admission in different district student must sent application form to each district respectivily. The student must get a print out of application form to himself . The candidate and his parents should sign in the print out along will self attested copy must submit it to the principal of aided school . They'll have to pay Rs.25 as application fees.

Sunday 10 May 2015


Engineering studies have become smarter than any other field of studies. What should our engineering students must study ? Will they get jobs after graduation.Excluding self-financing colleges all other institutes offering engineering and architecture are now belongs to Technical University. (Kerala). All previosly joined senior student will be continuing appropriate unviersities. After 3 years all students will be under the KTU Kerala Technical University.


Till now students can complete the course even after failing many exams. Now this system is opting out. The year-out condition is responsible for this. The is always an eligibility credit for students to passed out to each semester. For example , if there is 83 credits at the end of the fourth semester out of 94 the candidate can enter the fifth semester successfully. Likewise after the seventh semester if there is a minimum of 145 out of 162 then only the camdidate can enter he 8th semester. This condition is applicable in all semesters except the first semester.


There is not much difference in mentality of selecting engineering or medicine course after plus two studies. Even there is slight difference in this behavior in past two years. But studies shows the is a majority of 70% of students who just opt for engineering or medicine. In Kerala there was only  19 engineering colleges in 2000, but in 2015 there are 161 engineering colleges in the state. With the growth of science there always good oppertunities and environments for the success of innovative and successfull engineers.

The industrialisation has offered many chances for engineering sector. Earlier there was only few engineering disciplines for students to choose , but now there are endless branches for engineering each with it's own scope. But the demand for core courses have a constant scope for the future.

In India there are 18lakh students studying engineering from 11000 institutions . And a 2 lakh students studying master degree in 3500 institutions . And a 12lakh students opting engineering diploma courses . The current job placement process prove that along with the degree the candidates must have good skills and confidents to succeed. Hard-work and self-confidents are two main factors for students to acquire .


SAAI (Sports authority of India.) is one of the top sports councils in the country.This year they are conducting a diploma programme in spots traniner course.The last date for recieving application forms is MAY 05 .
The classess will begin in JULY 01 this is a 1year course.
Disciplines under SAI NSNIS, Patiala,
Athletics,basketball,boxing,cricket,cycling,fencing,football, gymnastics, handball ,hockey, judo, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, weightlifting, wrestling, wushu.
While discplines under SAI NSSC Bangalore are athletics, badminton, hockey, kabaddi, kho-kho softball, swimming, taekwondo, tennis,volleyball etc.
Under  SAI  NSEC Kolkata the disciplines are archery, athletics, boxing, cricket, football, .
SAI LNCPE Trivandrum offers rowing kayaking and canoeing ,football, conditioning and recovery. Baisc age limit is 20-23 but for candidates with national sports certificates or from scheduled casts they can go up to age 38. The selection for admission is based on sports admission entrance test.All other informations like fees ,hostal faceility and other are avilable at official website.

Tuesday 5 May 2015


There are commonly less students that opt for research courses rather than going to traditional courses like medicine or engineering.It means the demand for students to theses sectors are in great demand. Within a decade a career in conservation ecology will be on of most developing courses.More and more disciplines in biological reasearches emerging day after day.


Top 7 reserches centres in India
1. National Center For  Biological Science , Bangalore.
2. Indian Institute Of Science , Bangalore.
3. Forest Research Institute , Dehradun.
4. Indian Institute Of  Forest Mnagement, Bhopal.
5. Indian Institute of Science Education And Research (ISAR), Trivandrum.
6. Tropical Botonical Garden And Research Institute , Trivandrum.
7. Kerala Forest Research Institute , Peechi.

It is better to find good post graduation course after doing the graduation degree. It is also possible to do post-doctoral degree and research in national level with help of fellowships .