Tuesday, 12 May 2015


The online applications for plus one admissions allotment has started on MAY 12. The last date for receiving filled application form is on MAY 25. The first allotment results will be published on JUNE 10 . The classes will start at JULY 01. All students those who got allotted or waiting are able to know the rank details on the official website.
When CBSE publishes their 10th rank results they can join the allotment list. Those students wrote cbse board exam will allotted first. Students who wrote school wise exam will be allotted only further.


In Kerala the government has provides 3,61,130 seats for aided schools. One batch will get 50 seats.
The science stream will have nine combinations , humanities stream will have 32, commerce stream will have 4 combinations. Online applications forms can be submitted either by yourself or visiting the computer lab of higher secondary schools. No two applications are recieved for merit seats for single district. For getting admission in different district student must sent application form to each district respectivily. The student must get a print out of application form to himself . The candidate and his parents should sign in the print out along will self attested copy must submit it to the principal of aided school . They'll have to pay Rs.25 as application fees.


Firstly visit government official site www.hscap.kerala.gov.in  (applicable only for kerala.) and click on submit application online. The fee remitance can done it two ways, either directly or via DD. These details must be listed first. All fields must filled . Because some of them will have bonus points. Those apply false details their application will be cancelled. So must be very careful in filling section. After filling basic details, then fill the grade points section carefully. The schools details and their combinations must be filled carefully. These details can be done with the help of prospectus. For knowing the chances of getting alloted in the school you can ensure it by checking out the last years allotment list. This is available at the website. You will be provided some extra time correcting mistakes and error. So utilise this time carefully. After this click on 'final confirmation. You must keep the application form number tag getting along with the print out.


On JUNE 03 the trial allotment starts, during this time you can correct any of your errors and mistakes. For those don't get allotted on both two allotment ,They'll be provided with a suplimentary allotment. Those who didn't get allotted in the school of first combination. Will have chance to apply for changes. Before recieving applicatons for the supplimentary allotment the government will provide remianing seat details in the website. The existing allotment form should be renewed for suppliment allotment.


You must submit your certificates in the District sports councils official website . And receive the score card for you. Under this card you can apply for online. For these student the online applcation dates starts on JUNE 05 and ends on JUNE 10.


These are help centres available for students to submit applications, ask doubts and other informations. These focus point are availabe till 20th . Your aided higher secondary school will tell you your nearest focus centre's details. They organise both career guidense and adolescense coucelling programmes .


All further details are available at official site www.hscap.kerala.gov.iv   Also for kerala students there are helpline numbers  0471-2529855 , 2529856. Higher secondary directorate, 0471-2323198.

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