My name is Amjath Anju. Currently I reside in India. I am a Industrial designing student and a Internet geek. But in my living room I am a blogging lover and entrepreneur .I have an engineering diploma in mechanical engineering from Government Polytechnic College Kalamassery.After some times of study I realised that it was not my apple.It never helped me for paving path for my creativity .So I browsed internet Day and night for a suitable career for me, Then I found these cool concept of Industrial Designing programme .So within no time I joined MITID Design College ,Pune.

For Contact details go to contact me page

The story behing writing these much posts for my self was ,I just never fully enjoy doing anything else in my spare times other than posting some quality stuffs. The main inspiration for me of starting a blog aiming the topic of education,references,career choices,exam results and date, was I discovered it the of a student that specifically when come out his school studies that he truelly realize what the real world is the the best and suitable career options for him to build up his future.
So I started this outcourses for helping out students with some knowleges from my experiences and also from my friend's.

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